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Club Med Bylaws

Section I. Name

  • The name of the organization is the University of Mississippi School of Medicine’s Internal Medicine Interest Group or as abbreviated as Club Med.

Section II. Purposes

  • To promote communication among members and faculty.
  • To obtain information about careers in internal medicine.
  • To promote the profession of internal medicine.
  • To serve the medical school and campus public.
  • To promote student membership in the American College of Physicians (ACP).

Section III. Membership

  • Membership shall be open to any medical student.

Section IV. Officers

  • A faculty member shall be selected by majority vote of the members to serve as Faculty Advisor to Club Med. This shall be a permanent position.
  • The Staff Support Members shall consist of up to 2 staff members in the Department of Medicine dedicated to student support. These shall be permanent positions.
  • The President shall be a member of the M4 class who served as President-Elect during the preceding school year.
  • The President- Elect shall be a member of the M3 class who will serve as President the following school year.
  • The Class Representatives shall be made up of 2 members from each of the 4 medical school classes.
  • The Service Chairmen shall consist of up to 3 members of the at large membership.
  • With the exception of President-Elect and President, student members may hold more than one position at one time.
  • Terms of President, President- Elect, and Social Chairmen shall last from May 1st - April 31st of each calendar year.
  • Terms of Class Representatives Shall last from the meeting at which they are elected to the following year’s election.
  • All Student Officers and the Faculty Advisor are expected to be paid members of the ACP.

Section V. Executive Board

  • The executive power of Club Med shall be vested in the President.
  • The Executive Board shall consist of President, President-Elect, Class Representatives, Staff Support Members, and Faculty Advisor.

Section VI. Elections

  • Officer elections shall be held at the second meeting of each year.
  • The President-Elect, and Class representatives shall be elected by majority vote of the entire membership from a list of nominations from the entire membership.
  • The Social Chairmen shall be appointed by the President from a list of nominations from the entire membership.
  • In the event a member is unable or unwilling to fulfill their duties, a special election shall be called by the President to replace that member’s position. In the event this member is the President, the President-Elect shall start their term as President at that point in time.
  • In the event the Faculty Advisor wishes to step down or is no longer a faculty member at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine, nominations shall be taken from the entire membership, and a new Faculty Advisor chosen from the nominations by the Executive Board with a majority vote.
  • The Staff Support Members shall be appointed by the Faculty Advisor.

Section VII. Officer Duties

  • The President shall preside at all meetings and serve the needs of Club Med as executive officer. The President shall hold a voting position on the University’s ACP Council of Associates and Students during their term as President.
  • The President-Elect shall perform the President's duties in his or her absence. The President-Elect shall also hold a voting position on the University’s ACP Council of Associates and Students during their term as President-Elect.
  • The Class Representatives shall aid the President in conducting business specific to the members of their class, offer advice and suggestions for use of the organizations’ time and expenditures, and vote on decisions placed before the Executive Board.
  • The Service Chairmen shall be responsible for the organization, publicity, and follow through of any service projects undertaken by the organization. They shall not be members of the Executive Board unless they also serve in capacity as a Class Representative.
  • The Student Support Members shall keep a complete record of expenses, authorize expenditures, plan the yearly budget, provide financial reports, and provide a copy of financial records to the school accounting office. They shall also serve as a liaison between the organization and the Department of Medicine.
  • The Faculty Advisor shall provide advice and assistance to the Executive Board and organization members.

Section VIII. Changes to Bylaws

  • Amendments to these bylaws shall be presented at any business meeting by any member and shall be passed, after second reading, by a majority vote and with the approval of the Faculty Advisor.